Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year...

...if you're a tow company or hospital. With the first snowfall, we're sure to see a flurry (get it?) of stories on car wrecks, auto/pedestrian accidents, etc. Why is that? Noone has common sense anymore! So to keep everyone safe this holiday season (whether its from an airbag or an enraged motorist, a black eye is still no fun), I'm giving you a couple ways to make sure you get to where you're going safely. Think of it as an early Christmas present and don't say I never gave you anything.

  • If all the other lanes of traffic are stopped, perhaps you should stop as well
  • If you're planning on turning left, maybe you should get in the left hand lane before you reach the intersection
  • If you're walking home at night, and you're wearing black, don't assume drivers can see you.
  • If you're walking home at night, and you're wearing bright colors, go back home and change...its not the spring anymore.
  • Please don't slow down for no reason in the middle of the road

There you go kiddies...staying safe is easy! It also requires common sense, which might be asking too much at this point. Give me a couple months, and we'll come back and revisit this issue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Point four is my favorite.

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